ISO 39001:2012

ISO 39001 is a management system for the safety of road traffic whose purpose is to reduce the number of serious and fatal accidents.

Introduction: ISO 39001 certification (Road Traffic Safety)

This International Standard provides a tool to help organizations reduce, and finally reduce, the incidence and risk of death and serious injury related to road traffic crashes. This focus can result in a more cost-effective use of the road traffic system. This ISO 39001 certification identifies elements of good RTS management practice that will enable the organization to achieve its desired RTS results. This International Standard is applicable to public and private organizations that interact with the road traffic system. It can be used by internal and external parties, including certification bodies, to assess the organization’s ability to meet the requirements.

What is ISO 39001:2012 Certification?

ISO 39001:2012 certification specifies requirements for a Road Traffic Safety (RTS) management system to enable an organization that interacts with the road traffic system to reduce death and serious injuries related to road traffic crashes/ accidents which it can influence. According to the World Health Organization, injuries related to road traffic accidents are the eighth leading cause of death globally, with an estimated 1.3+ million traffic-related deaths every year.

Certification to the ISO 39001:2012 standard will help your organization implement your company’s road safety management system objectives and action plans within your operations. It can provide the resources and services necessary to reduce insurance and operational costs, as well as strengthen public safety by minimizing traffic accidents.

Which Companies Require ISO 39001 Certification?

RTSM – Road Traffic Safety Management is relevant to all organizations, regardless of business type or scale.

Companies which use motor vehicles (trucks) for transportation of goods or provide business services. Companies providing transportation services: transportation of goods or passengers (i.e. truck, bus, taxi companies). Organizations / Institutions involved in establishing Road Traffic Safety laws (i.e. governments, local public organizations). Companies involved in the designing, manufacturing, maintaining, and inspecting of motor vehicles (i.e. Automobile manufactures).

Companies / Organizations and businesses having parking facilities (i.e. supermarket, parking management companies). Organizations involved in the designing, building, operating and maintaining of roads (i.e. Road authorities). Organizations involved in providing emergency medical care (i.e. emergency medical centers, hospitals, Ambulance Services).

Why is Road Traffic Safety so Important?

Transport companies, vehicle fleet operators and other organizations seek the resources and services necessary to reduce operational and insurance costs. By minimizing traffic accidents, these objectives can be accomplished. The ISO 39001:2012 certification is an international certification that helps the organizations in ensuring the best management of the road traffic system. ISO 39001:2012 certificates, the concerned with a organization can rest assured that the system they have implemented for the road traffic management, is working in accordance with the essential requirements of the road traffic management.

In addition, the numbers for injuries related to road traffic accidents are alarming. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), such injuries are the eighth leading cause of death globally. In 2013, the number of road traffic deaths registered at 1.3 million every year. These staggering statistics are making road traffic safety increasingly important from year to year.

Benefits of ISO 39001 Certification to your company

An improvement of operating processes and the establishment of efficient operating principles.

The establishment and maintenance of an effective system to ensure compliance with its policy and objectives within the organization.

The ability to demonstrate organizational safety and social responsibility to both stakeholders and customers.

The opportunity to cut costs, thanks to the improved efficiency of your RTSMS.

Decreases number of road accident cases number of injuries